2013년 11월 25일 월요일

About 'grand jct'|Sedona...From Mud to Dirt...

About 'grand jct'|Sedona...From Mud to Dirt...

Middle               America               highway               driving               typically               stops               just               short               of               absolute,               death               by               one               thousand               cuts,               torture.

This               is               the               maddening               dichotomy:               The               flat               topography               is               an               invitation               for               speed.

One,               washboard               straightaways               create               drag-racing               type               conditions.

Two,               the               monotonous               terrain               is               synonymous               with               Dennis'               Place               for               Games               1980's               style               arcade               video               game               racing               simulations.

Regardless               of               one's               top-end               speed,               the               eerie               feeling               of               motionless               remains.
               The               scenery               from               the               Appalachians               to               the               Rockies               is               an               endless               loop               of               farmland,               silos,               and               manufacturing               plants.

Mileage               markers               and               the               march               of               time               are               often               the               only               indicators               of               actual               movement.

The               speedometer               mockingly               reads               80               miles               per               hour,               contradicting               one's               senses               of               sluggishly               grinding               through               the               region               at               10               mph.
               The               caveat:               the               flat               terrain               enables               law               enforcement               the               ample               sight               lines               and               radar               detection               capabilities               to               effectively               apprehend               speeders.

Such               is               the               cruelty               that               is               Middle               West               Interstate               driving.
               Chicago,               the               third               largest               city               in               the               United               States,               emerges               out               of               the               cornfields,               and               towers               over               the               surrounding               prairie.

The               Chicagoland               area               presents               particular               sections               of               road               that               offer               the               ample               coverage               of               vehicle               traffic,               gentle               curvature,               limited               access,               and               virgin               straightaway               asphalt               that               are               built               for               speed.

That               is,               if               operating               a               motor               vehicle               at               a               trajectory               higher               than               the               posted               speed               limit               were               legal.
               Our               intent               is               not               to               condone               speeding.

Our               initiative               is               to               present               the               top               5.5               locations               for               drivers               to...um               er               ah...test               the               limits               of               highway               construction               and               automobile               engineering.

Our               selection               of               the               real               number               5.5               pays               homage               to               the               basic               '55'               speed               limit.
               #5.5               Chicago               Traffic               -               Least               Congested               Road:               South               Lake               Shore               Drive
               Motorcycles               and               sport               bikes               only.


41               -               Lake               Shore               Drive               is               a               fifteen               mile               long               speed               trap               for               automobiles.

Police               lay               in               wait               underneath               overpasses               and               along               interchange               off-ramps               to               ticket               'speeders,'               on               a               road               way               that               could               easily               handle               70               miles               per               hour               traffic.
               The               speed               limit               is               embarrassingly               low,               not               because               of               safety,               but               to               preserve               the               landscaping               and               flowers               that               have               been               planted               within               the               median               [Mayor               Daley               would               be               livid               if               rock               salt               were               to               be               splashed               onto               his               precious               orchid               bed].

The               speed               limit               is               typically               reduced               to               40               mph               during               the               winter               months.

This               year,               the               limit               was               kept               at               40               into               the               summer               months               due               to               the               thousands               of               potholes               that               have               ravaged               The               Drive.
               Still,               motorcycle               traffic               appears               immune               to               apprehension.

Although               four               wheel               motorists               are               regularly               ticketed,               Lake               Shore               from               Soldier               Field               to               67th               street               is               a               renowned               speedway               for               motorcyclists               in               the               summer               months.

Sport               bikes               raring               through               the               area               in               formation               at               150               mph               is               the               rule,               not               the               exception               from               May               to               October.

Apparently,               law               enforcement               does               not               even               attempt               to               combat               the               trend,               conceding               defeat               and               refusing               to               initiate               any               high-speed               chase.
               List               of               things               to               do:               purchase               sport               bike.

Open               up               the               throttle               on               Lake               Shore               Drive.
               #5               Chicago               Traffic               -               Least               Congested               Road:               South               Chicago               Avenue
               Interestingly,               there               are               two               Chicago               Avenues.

One               is               the               east-west               street               that               empties               onto               Lake               Shore               Drive               after               whisking               motorists               from               the               West               Side               through               Near               West               loft-like               yuppyville               and               onto               the               Magnificent               Mile.

The               other               is               a               diagonal,               parallel               to               the               Skyway,               abutting               warehouses,               railroad               tracks,               White               Castles,               and               shuttered               buildings.
               South               Chicago               Avenue               is               a               neglected               thoroughfare,               made               obsolete               by               the               Chicago               Skyway               and               the               decline               of               American               manufacturing               that               has               decimated               the               Rust               Belt.

Still,               the               Avenue               registers               as               a               de               facto               meeting               place               for               every               South               Side               Chicago               car               club.
               The               extensive               spacing               between               traffic               lights,               and               ample               parking               along               this               abandoned               section               of               the               Windy               City               produce               a               Fast               and               Furious,               cinematic-like               atmosphere               for               street               racing.
               Wanna               Drag?
               [If               that               were               legal,               of               course]
               #4               Chicago               Traffic               -               Least               Congested               Road:               Sheridan               Road               [Evanston-Lake               Cook]
               Arguably,               the               most               pleasant               drive               in               the               Chicago               area.

Sheridan               Road               is               not               built               for               top-end,               Indianapolis               500               type               of               speed.

This               is               a               Monaco               Grand               Prix               of               dips               and               do's,               hairpin               curves,               and               random               straightaways.

The               landscaping               through               the               North               Shore               Executive               Belt               is               impeccable,               and               the               two-lane               excursion               is               buffeted               by               lush               forestry               and               grandiose               estates.

Traffic               lights               are               rare,               and               the               stretch               is               wide               open               after               nightfall.
               North               Cook               and               Lake               County               Sheridan               Road               is               built               for               a               performance               automobile               advertisement.
               #3               Chicago               Traffic               -               Least               Congest               Road:               I-294               Tri               State               Tollway               [I-80               to               290/88               JCT]
               Officials               claim               that               the               dearth               of               a               regular               exit               pattern               along               the               Tri-State               Tollway               is               an               indicator               of               both               the               age               of               the               roadway               -               and               the               stunning               growth               of               the               Chicago               area.

The               294               bypass               was               built               at               a               time               where               the               underdeveloped               vicinity               was               dominated               by               farmland.

Hence,               highway               engineers               balked               at               constructing               a               plethora               of               interchanges               to               nowhere.

The               highway's               'right-of-way'               was               designated               strictly               as               a               means               to               allow               Wisconsin               and               Indiana               interstate               motorists               to               avoid               Windy               City               congestion.
               That               was               then.

This               is               now.
               The               Tri-State               has               emerged               as               a               critical               link               of               local,               Chicago               area               traffic,               and               the               Tollway               authority               has               responded               by               expanding               capacity               with               additional               lanes               -               rather               than               additional               entry               points.

The               lengthy               10+               mile               spacing               separating               interchanges               is               a               rare               happening               for               the               urban               highway,               yet               extensive               mileage               between               exits,               and               frequent               rest-stop               /               oasis'               are               staples               of               tolled               roads.
               The               Message:               Stay               on               the               Road.

Pay               tolls.
               The               combination               of               infrequent               exits               [fewer               battles               with               slow,               merging               traffic],               gentle               curvature,               adequate               traffic               to               provide               cover,               and               eight               to               twelve               lanes               of               total               thoroughfare               manifest               themselves               in               a               Tri-State               Tollway               that               is               built               for               speed.

The               southern               half               of               I-294               is               the               most               conducive               for               a               joy-ride,               as               the               O'Hare               section               is               a               notorious               bottleneck,               and               the               northern               portion               is               currently               under               construction.

Also,               the               lower               294               vehicle               counts               from               O'Hare               to               the               Edens               Spur               enable               law               enforcement               to               easily               get               a               beat               on               renegade               speeders.
               #2               Chicago               Traffic               -               Least               Congested               Road:               Kennedy               Expressway               Reversibles               (Late               at               Night)
               The               thrill               of               accelerating               through               the               two-lane               reversibles               within               the               Kennedy               Expressway               in               the               early               morning               hours               is               almost               unmatched.

The               skyline               views,               dense               neighborhood,               curvature,               and               tight               comfort               of               the               imposing               concrete               jersey               barriers               act               to               exacerbate               the               sense               of               speed.

The               lack               of               shoulders               and               exit               ramps               is               also               an               impediment               to               the               stern               Chicago               copper               intent               upon               satisfying               his               speeding               ticket               quota.

The               Kennedy               reversible               escapade               is               the               dirty               little               secret               of               every               Windy               City               car               enthusiast.
               What               guilty               pleasure:               the               ecstasy               of               downshifting               and               blazing               through               a               persistent               day-time               bottleneck,               while               Chicago               sleeps.

The               feeling               is               of               another               time               and               place,               as               if               one               were               able               to               stop               time,               reshuffling               the               world               to               meet               his               very               own               image.
               #1               Chicago               Traffic               -               Least               Congested               Road:               I-90               Northwest               [Jane               Addams]               Tollway               (Non               -               Rush               Hour)
               Fittingly,               the               Northwest               Tollway               skirts               past               O'Hare               airport,               as               the               design               of               Interstate               90               allows               for               motorists               to               compete               with               aircraft               -               launching               themselves               skyward.

The               black               asphalt,               darkened               suburban               atmosphere,               and               exaggerated               tollway               lane               markings               recreate               the               appearance               of               an               airport               runway               after               sunset.

Jane               Addams               matches               the               specifications               of               the               Tri-State,               with               less               curves.
               Outside               of               the               Elgin               toll               plaza,               the               rolling               hills               of               Northern               Illinois               present               a               beautiful               landscape,               atypical               of               flat-iron               Midwest               monotony.

On               the               return,               the               pace               quickens,               and               the               urgent               hustle               of               the               Big               City               calls               immediately               after               entry               onto               the               I-90               tollway               from               Wisconsin.

Speed               is               quite               the               necessity               to               maintain               pace               with               Windy               City,               Land               of               Lincoln               drivers.
               One               of               the               better               parts               of               leaving               a               location,               is               actually               returning               home.
               A               limited               number               of               exits,               accommodating               terrain,               and               a               reliable               surface               are               obvious               facilitators               of               quick               traffic               flow.

Still,               motorists               should               not               discount               the               practicality               of               utilizing               other               traffic               as               a               shield               to               move               through               an               area               in               formation,               preventing               aggravating               traffic               stops.

The               section               of               roadway               must               maintain               an               adequate               vehicle               count,               and               the               proper               safety               barriers               before               any               operator               attempts               to               test               the               limits               of               engineering.
               Speeding               as               the               lone               car               is               an               open               invitation               to               appear               in               traffic               court.
               Chicago               Traffic:               Chicago's               Least               Congested               Roads               Built               for               Speed,               Sources:
               The               City               of               Chicago,               http://www.cityofchicago.org/city/webportal/home.do
               Chicago               Traffic,               http://www.traffic.com/Chicago-Traffic/Chicago-Traffic-Reports.html
               Kofi               Bofah,               Chicago               Street               Guide               and               Grid,               http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/1718194/chicago_street_guide_and_grid.html?cat=16
               Kofi               Bofah,               Chicago               Traffic:               Chicago's               5               Most               Congested               Roads,               http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/1175716/chicago_traffic_chicagos_5_most_congested.html?cat=16

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      ...mixer, so I went and said good-bye to it. We spent time in Grand Jct, and then time back at home. Due to my surgery I was moving extra slow...
    4. vkhodgman.blogspot.com/   03/14/2012
      ...three of them at my house! ______________________________ After Camille went back to Grand Jct. on Sunday, I stayed and had fun with Mom and Dad by myself. We ...
    5. atravelingbride.blogspot.com/   06/26/2011
      ... with the engine for a while, mainly the radiator, we limped on up to Grand Jct. We were able to drive it but had to be very careful not to let it over...
    6. heatherinprogress.blogspot.com/   06/25/2011
      ...around Annie's age. "June 11, 1944 Grand Junction, Colo. Dear Annie, Annie is your name. Grand Jct. is your station, Flearting (sic) with the boys is your chief accupation...
    7. andreamerriman.wordpress.com/   02/06/2011
      ... in orchestra and it seemed to be the thing to do, at a certain age, in Grand Jct., CO. Plus, it didn’t look that hard. I took to the violin pretty well. In my...
    8. harrisonandjaala.blogspot.com/   01/27/2011
      ...I did- and I liked it! ** One time (when I worked at GHBC in Grand Jct) I took home a loaf of PCCB. I was going to share it with my...
    9. varyus.wordpress.com/   12/28/2006
      ...time. Day one 334 miles….Home to Grand Jct., Colorado I left home at 10:35 and ... of the run from Vail down into Grand Jct. only with more water. Everything is...
    10. commandonlandon.blogspot.com/   01/08/2011
      ...It washes off easily and doesn't turn into the "death march mud" that we have in Grand Jct. From January 2011 Before leaving on my first ride I had been...

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