2013년 11월 23일 토요일

About 'mesa university tuition'|The Seeds of Evil: How Communism Infiltrates Public Universities

About 'mesa university tuition'|The Seeds of Evil: How Communism Infiltrates Public Universities

According               to               the               Immunization               and               Naturalization               Service,               there               were               8.7               million               illegal               immigrants               residing               in               the               U.S.

in               2003.

Conservative               estimates               maintain               that               number               climbs               around               500,000               each               year.

That               would               put               the               estimate               for               2007               somewhere               around               10.7               million               illegal               aliens               living               in               the               U.S.

Most               officials               believe               those               estimates               are               on               the               low               end.

In               2004,               Senator               John               McCain               ®               of               Arizona               stated               that,               "According               to               the               US               Border               Patrol               apprehension               statistics,               almost               four               million               people               crossed               our               borders               illegally               in               2002".

The               U.S.

Border               Patrol               in               Tucson,               Arizona               estimated               the               total               a               bit               closer               to               15               million               in               2004.

According               to               the               Center               for               Immigration               Studies,               nearly               70%               of               illegal               entrants               to               this               country               come               directly               from               Mexico.

Whether               it               is               10               million               or               20               million,               clearly               our               nation               is               experiencing               a               mass               migration               of               foreigners               that               needs               to               be               addressed               by               and               paid               for               by               the               nation               as               a               whole.

Currently               around               75%               of               the               illegal               immigrants               in               the               U.S.

live               in               Arizona,               California,               Florida,               Illinois,               New               Jersey,               New               York,               and               Texas.

Unfortunately,               this               leaves               these               states               to               bear               most               of               the               financial               burden               which               include               state               welfare               assistance               in               the               form               of               food               stamps,               WIC               and               cash               assistance,               but               it               does               not               stop               there.

These               Border               States               are               also               supposed               to               pay               for               trips               to               the               emergency               room,               the               costs               associated               with               crimes,               and               education               while               collecting               very               little               in               the               way               of               taxes.
               Arizonans               fork               out               nearly               $1.3               billion               annually               to               pay               for               all               of               the               costs               incurred               from               illegal               immigration;               around               $810               million               for               education,               $400               million               for               health               care               related               expenses,               $80               million               in               incarceration               costs,               and               the               remainder               in               welfare               benefits.

All               of               this               is               required               while               Arizona               runs               a               $500               million               deficit               annually.
               Most               of               the               costs               associated               with               illegal               immigration               that               fall               on               the               Border               States               are               incurred               through               unfunded               Federal               mandates.

This               means               the               Federal               government               requires               that               states               comply               with               expensive               federal               regulations               without               providing               the               resources               to               pay               for               them.

This               leaves               the               Border               States               scrambling               to               maintain               compliance               with               limited               budgets               which               should               be               spent               on               their               own               taxpayers.
               For               instance,               it               is               Federal               law               that               every               emergency               room               in               this               country               serve               whoever               walks               through               the               door               whether               they               can               pay               for               the               service               or               not.

This               includes               illegal               aliens               who               often               come               to               the               emergency               room               for               something               as               basic               as               an               ear               infection               which               costs               both               the               hospital               and               the               taxpayer.

The               Tucson               Medical               Center               and               University               Medical               Center               located               in               Tucson,               Arizona               bear               around               $1               million               dollars               each               in               uncompensated               costs               for               treating               illegal               immigrants               annually.

Not               only               do               taxpayers               suffer               from               the               unfunded               mandates,               businesses               do               as               well.
               As               for               the               quality               of               education               in               Arizona,               the               state               ranks               50               out               of               all               U.S.


That               would               be               dead               last.

               In               order               to               appease               the               immigration               Gods,               Arizonans               spent               around               $400               per               ESL               student               annually               to               help               them               learn               English.

However,               in               2007               that               will               all               change.

Parents               of               ESL               students               sued               the               state               over               a               period               of               15               years               to               raise               that               amount               to               closer               to               $1200               per               student.

They               cited               studies               that               the               $400               was               an               inadequate               amount               to               teach               their               children               English.

The               state               granted               their               request               and               now               Arizonans               will               shell               out               an               additional               $80               million               per               year               to               help               Spanish               speakers               learn               English.
               The               $890               million               spent               on               ESL               students               is               for               additional               teachers,               classrooms,               books               and               supplies,               mandatory               bilingual               education               for               teachers,               and               additional               tutoring.

That's               $890               million               not               going               to               the               education               of               the               legal               citizens               living               in               Arizona.

That's               nearly               $1000               annually               for               each               legal               Arizona               household               to               bear               in               taxes               to               pay               for               the               education               of               illegal               immigrants.
               Aside               from               the               monetary               costs               from               ESL               students,               the               education               of               English               speakers               is               also               suffering.

Even               as               money               flows               to               teaching               ESL               students               English               instead               of               raising               the               quality               of               education               in               Math,               Science               and               Reading               for               all               students;               English               speaking               students               must               occasionally               endure               a               lower               level               of               academics               in               the               classroom               because               of               lack               of               understanding               from               the               ESL               students.

Instead               of               focusing               on               raising               the               bar               for               English               speakers,               the               teacher               must               focus               on               leveling               the               playing               field               for               the               ESL               students               which,               in               Arizona,               more               often               than               not               make               up               more               than               half               of               the               classroom               population.

In               some               districts,               such               as               TUSD,               which               have               a               high               population               of               Spanish               speakers               and               illegal               immigrants,               ESL               student               percentages               in               the               classroom               can               be               as               high               as               90%.
               Arizonans               started               fighting               back               with               the               2006               anti-immigration               ballot               propositions               that               passed               with               overwhelming               majorities.

Proposition               103               reaffirmed               that               English               is               to               be               the               official               language               of               Arizona.

This               proposition               seems               to               be               purely               symbolic               as               it               will               not               change               the               language               issue               in               the               state;               schools               will               still               be               required               to               teach               ESL               students,               state               and               business               pamphlets               will               still               be               printed               in               both               English               and               Spanish,               and               you               will               still               have               to               "Press               1               for               English               and               2               for               Spanish"               when               calling               businesses               and               government               offices.
               Proposition               100               denies               bail               to               undocumented               immigrants               charged               with               felonies.

Proposition               102               prohibits               undocumented               immigrants               from               being               awarded               punitive               damages               in               any               civil               lawsuit               filed               in               the               state               and               Proposition               300               prohibits               undocumented               immigrants               from               receiving               in-state               tuition,               financial               assistance               or               access               to               state-subsidized               childcare               and               family               literacy               programs.

Whether               these               ballots               will               stand               or               be               declared               unconstitutional,               I               can               already               hear               the               whooshing               sound               of               the               money-sucking               vacuum               starting               to               fade               a               little.

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