2013년 11월 30일 토요일

About 'colorado state university map'|...Stefan Arvidsson (on my Amazon wishlist, yo). The University of Chicago Press site provides a useful...comparative religion, and history. Along the way, Arvidsson maps out the changing ways in which...

About 'colorado state university map'|...Stefan Arvidsson (on my Amazon wishlist, yo). The University of Chicago Press site provides a useful...comparative religion, and history. Along the way, Arvidsson maps out the changing ways in which...

Some               people               are               anxious               to               go               to               college.

Freedom               from               parents,               crazy               drunken               parties,               and               many               potential               mating               partners.

Let               me               clue               you               in               on               a               little               secret.

COLLEGE               IS               A               PAIN!

You're               not               as               free               as               you               may               think,               the               drunken               parties               with               people               who               make               Stephen               Hawkins               look               interesting               by               comparison               get               really               old,               and               you               will               never               be               rejected               so               many               times               in               your               life.

That               said,               you               can               have               a               good               time,               but               only               if               you               know               how.

I'm               a               senior               and               I'm               still               in               the               dorms               cause               living               in               the               dorms               means               very               little               responsibility,               and               I'm               milking               that               for               as               long               as               I               can.

So               here               are               some               things               I've               learned               that               hopefully               will               help               you               younglings               out.

(1)               Exercise               Control               -               I               know               it's               nice               not               having               parents               there               to               watch               what               you're               doing,               but               don't               go               overboard.

For               example,               if               you               get               drunk               in               dorm               room,               STAY               in               your               dorm               room.

Do               NOT               stumble               out               into               the               hallway,               rip               apart               the               hall               bulletin               board,               and               a               make               a               lot               of               noise.

This               is               frowned               upon               and               depending               on               who               catches               you               can               earn               you               some               quality               conversation               time               with               the               hall               director.

Also               keep               you               visitors               under               control,               especially               if               you               have               things               in               your               room               you're               not               supposed               to               have.
               (2)               Get               to               know               your               Resident               Advisor               (RA)               -               You               WANT               to               be               friends               with               your               RA.

If               you're               on               good               terms               with               them,               they're               going               to               let               you               off               the               hook               for               a               lot               more               than               if               you're               butting               heads.

This               doesn't               mean               you               can               cruise               the               halls               sporting               a               bottle               of               Cuervo,               but               it               will               make               your               life               a               lot               smoother.

For               example,               if               you're               being               much               louder               than               you               should,               they'll               settle               for               a               simple               shut               the               hell               up               rather               than               harassing               you               for               15               minutes               about               quiet               hours.
               (3)               Don't               be               stupid               -               Here               are               common               things               that               smart               people               don't               do:               Do               NOT               climb               the               side               of               the               buildings.

The               cops               will               be               called               and               they               will               be               angry.

Do               NOT               drink               yourself               to               death.

People               will               hate               your               name,               because               we               have               to               listen               the               administration               and               parents               whine               for               years               to               come.

Do               NOT               smoke               pot               in               your               room.

It               will               be               smelled               in               the               hall,               you               will               get               busted,               and               they               will               call               your               parents.

Do               NOT               drive               after               drinking.

Getting               a               DUI               sucks!

Believe               me,               I               know.

And               finally,               READ               the               student               code.

There's               lots               of               info               in               there               that's               good               to               know.
               (4)               Go               to               your               classes,               even               if               attendance               is               not               required.

-               If               you               don't               go,               90%               chance               you're               going               to               be               lost               on               the               exams.
               (5)               Drinking               in               your               dorm               room               -               If               you're               going               to               drink               in               your               dorm               room,               here               are               some               pointers:               1.

Window               OPEN!

Otherwise               it               will               reek               in               the               hallway.


Keep               caps               on               hard               liquor.

Otherwise               the               smell               will               fill               the               room,               and               someone               checks               on               you'll               they'll               smell               it               as               soon               as               the               door               opens.


Don't               clink               bottles.

Do               not               make               loud               toasts               with               bottles               of               shot               glasses.

This               is               like               pouring               blood               in               the               water               for               the               sharks               to               feed.


Stay               in               the               room.

If               you're               wandering               the               halls               your               chances               of               getting               caught               skyrocket.


Keep               bottles               out               of               sight               in               case               you               do               have               to               open               the               door.
               (6)               Don't               piss               off               people               in               your               dorm               -               You               have               to               live               with               these               people               for               a               year.

If               you               act               like               an               idiot               and               make               everyone               mad               or               annoyed               your               year               is               going               to               suck.

Especially               be               attentive               to               the               females.

College               girls               hold               grudges               like               none               other,               and               if               you               make               one               mad,               then               by               tomorrow               you're               going               to               have               at               least               20               girls               that               hate               you.

Some               of               them               won't               even               know               why,               they               just               know               they're               supposed               to               hate               you.

This               rule               goes               for               guys               and               girls.

Guys               usually               solve               problems               with               a               quick               fistfight,               girls               go               for               the               soul!
               (7)               Don't               sleep               around               -               Keep               your               number               of               partners               reasonable.

There's               a               lot               of               STDs               on               college               campuses               and               even               with               protection               you               can               still               catch               some               of               them.

This               makes               for               an               embarrassing               trip               to               the               doctor,               and               your               parents               will               probably               find               out               if               you               start               taking               pills               for               genital               herpes.
               (8)               Party               Etiquette               -               Some               things               to               remember               at               parties:               1.

Pay               attention               to               how               much               you               have               to               drink.

Also               don't               mix               hard               liquors.

When               you               mix               things               they               can               have               unusual               side               effects.


Keep               yourself               and               your               friends               under               control.

You               don't               want               to               get               in               a               drunken               fight,               because               even               though               it               may               start               with               just               you               and               one               person,               it'll               probably               end               up               as               a               brawl.


For               guys:               No               means               no!

If               a               girl               tells               you               to               get               lost,               do               it.

Especially               don't               make               unwelcome               physical               advances.

Sexual               assault               and               rape               are               taken               very               seriously.


Finally,               if               the               cops               tell               you               to               leave,               do               it               quietly.

If               you               have               been               drinking               don't               drive               and               don't               get               a               ride               with               someone               who               has               been               drinking.

Definitely               don't               start               trouble               with               the               cops.

Generally               they               don't               make               a               big               deal,               but               if               you               take               after               them               or               trash               their               cars               you               are               going               to               be               up               a               creek               without               a               paddle.

Starting               and/or               participating               a               riot               at               a               state               college               in               Colorado               means               automatic               expulsion.
               These               are               just               some               pointers               I've               learned               over               the               years.

A               few               I've               learned               the               hard               way,               or               I've               seen               friends               learn               them.

Have               fun               at               college               but               be               safe.

If               you               act               like               moron               you               most               likely               will               not               have               fun               because               you'll               have               to               deal               with               student               discipline,               and               that's               a               real               pain.

But               have               fun,               be               safe,               and               maybe               I'll               see               you               in               the               fall.

Image of colorado state university map

colorado state university map
colorado state university map

colorado state university map Image 1

colorado state university map
colorado state university map

colorado state university map Image 2

colorado state university map
colorado state university map

colorado state university map Image 3

colorado state university map
colorado state university map

colorado state university map Image 4

colorado state university map
colorado state university map

colorado state university map Image 5

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