2013년 11월 22일 금요일

Stanton Cichon 's blog ::Profiles in the Financial Aid Profession: Curt Martin, Mesa State College

Stanton Cichon 's blog ::Profiles in the Financial Aid Profession: Curt Martin, Mesa State College

               The               following               was               written               after               the               tech               stock               bubble               burst               of               2000-2001               and               before               the               mortgage-backed               securities               crisis               of               2008.

               The               head               lemming               picked               up               speed               as               he               neared               the               cliff.

Looking               at               his               fellow               front               runners               he               smiled               broadly               and               yelled               out,               "On               my               signal               jump               onto               the               ledge               under               the               cliff.

Grab               a               handhold               and               hang               on               for               dear               life!"
               "Yes,               sir!"               came               the               reply.
               As               they               approached               the               cliff,               the               head               lemming               glanced               back               at               millions               of               charging               lemmings.

               With               a               synchronized               acrobatic               move,               the               front-runners               jumped               over               the               brim,               turned               in               mid-air               and               grabbed               the               awaiting               handholds,               landing               their               feet               safely               on               the               ledge.

The               lemmings               that               followed               saw               the               front               runners               do               this               but               were               taken               too               much               by               surprise               to               replicate               the               maneuver.

And               even               if               they               could               have               made               it               to               the               ledge,               all               of               the               handholds               were               now               taken.
               It               was               over               in               35               minutes.

Millions               of               lemmings               lie               dead               on               the               canyon               floor.

Crawling               back               onto               the               mesa,               the               head               lemming               smiled               in               satisfaction.

"That               was               a               good               one,"               he               said,               "one               of               our               best."
               "Yeah,"               agreed               his               companions,               busy               dusting               off.

"What               next?"
               The               head               lemming               pulled               a               chart               out               of               his               pocket.

"Large               cap               growth               has               been               down               a               long               time,"               he               observed,               "Let's               juice               it               up."
               Post               Script:               August               11,               2011:               Who               are               the               lead               lemmings               the               past               two               weeks?

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